00946naa#a2200205#i#450# EN\\bibl\72508 20250310043500.1 2223-9987 20231219b2023####ek#y0engy0150####ca RU Study of the Possibilities of Reducing the Energy Intensity of Adsorption Processes with High Requirements for the Moisture Content of Compressed Air Journal article Saint-Petersburg FSBEI HE "Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University" 2023 13 с. Journal article local Применение сжатого или разреженного воздуха. Пневматические двигатели. Ветродвигатели. 621.54 Ripol'-Saragosi Tat'yana Leonidovna Vorob'ev Aleksandr Alfeevich Sobolev Aleksandr Al'bertovich Cybul'skiy Artem Nikolaevich itt-pgups.ru