Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Analysis of the current transport system in the intermodal hub and development of a proposal for the redistribution of passenger traffic in the intermodal hub of Kupchino with an increase in the capacity of the node in the conditions of passenger traffic increase that occurred because of the following: larger frequency in time schedule of passenger suburb trains in Vitebsk direction and population increase on the adjacent territory. Analysis of metro capacity and identification of “bottlenecks” of passenger traffic of station platform. Methods: Modeling in Anylogic, statistical research. Results: Imitative model of Kupchino intermodal hub using urban ground transport. Proposal has been developed to redistribute passenger traffic within Kupchino transport intermodal hub by building a concourse over the railways and the underground station adjacent to shopping and entertainment complexes with expansion of the list of services for passengers. Analysis and discovery of bottleneck number in the intermodal hub and method for their elimination is made. Scheme for the intermodal hub development, taking into account of intra-city railway communication, is proposed. Practical significance: The development of Kupchino intermodal hub in the context of passenger traffic increase, raise of underground entrance capacity, creation of new jobs. Formation of accessible and comfortable transport infrastructure for to serve passengers of all population groups, including those with limited mobility.

passenger, intermodal passenger transport hub (IPTH), passenger traffic, Kupchino, infrastructure
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