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Abstract (English):
Insufficiently effective management of transportation process is associated with the cases of irregularity and inconsistency of the work of transport various modes among themselves, insignificant development of processing capacities for cargo transshipment between transport modes as well as of insufficient number of terminals serving to «smooth» work inconsistency in time in transport flows. This article describes mathematical model for choosing a rational variant of cargo delivery from the position of a transportation client. The main advantage of the described mathematical model is the minimization of production and technological costs on the platform of fuzzy set theory with an “eye” on exact sets (topology on the set of parameters of real numbers R1). Sufficiently smooth function f ( x), x ∈ R1, is adopted. For it, the Taylor representation takes place locally at the point x0. Presented in the paper integrated approach allows to evaluate the rationality of routes and the choice of the best among them which takes into account wide range of criteria, limitations of transport parameters and cargo owner requirements. It is worth to note that the rationality of choice is sometimes formed not only from the best result, but also from emerging alternatives and factors affecting this or that choice and process. A client chooses a competitive route option according to the variation of claimed by him demands on logistics projects. The paper also presents existing method analysis on reveal of the rationalization of transport constituent in logistics field.

multimodal transportations, cargo delivery, logistics, rational route, fuzzy set theory, Taylor series
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