Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the issue of ensuring informational security for clocked network synchronization system during its operation as a part of telecommunication system. To achieve this goal, the article considers by stages the solution of the following tasks: system analysis of function process of clocked network synchronization system under the influence of organized intruders is carried out, main threats to information security for clocked network synchronization system are given. As a complex characteristic of function process of network clocked synchronization (NCS) system, the use of its differential entropy is proposed, the relationship of differential entropy values with parameter values for informational security and NCS system controllability is revealed which basis on, the approaches to ensure NCS system information security are proposed. Methods: Research methods used in the work are based on fundamental principles of system theory, probability theory, network theory, entropy modeling, system and mathematical analysis and mathematical modeling. Results: Entropy model for dynamics of function process of clocked network synchronization system has been formed, phased structure for actions to ensure information security of clocked network synchronization system on the strength of security and controllability requirements has been proposed. Practical significance of the work lies in the possibility for telecommunication system operators to form reasonably a quantitative and qualitative character of protection means as well as to adjust optimally the parameters of NCS system functioning and the system constituent elements.

Telecommunication system, clocked network synchronization system, differential entropy, threat, information security
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