Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: The article provides the description of “Traction — Forecast” Software Package to perform traction-power calculations with manual and automatic forming of driving modes. Applied at present software packages possess a number of drawbacks not allowing automating the process of traction-power calculation performance at researches and testing a new and existing rolling stock. The task of search for power-optimal train driving modes under various operation conditions is also relevant. This problem solution is in the development and testing “Traction — Forecast” Software Package. Methods: Numerical solving train motion differential equation was held by travelled distances with successive approximation usage. Preliminary calculation of motion possible trajectories with the purpose to search for power-efficient train driving modes was pursued. Transient processes in power device and brake system of a train were taken into account. The resistance to train motion from longitudinal outline and profile of a track was being defined given per car distribution of the units of traction rolling stock as well as in the case of per car starting of a train. Calculation for pass-through for trains was made taking into account shunting work peculiarities. Results: As the comparison of the results of traction-power calculations and trial travels has shown, the accuracy of traction calculation accomplishment is of about 1,5 %. Proposed by the program power-efficient modes for driving a train makes it possible to reduce power-resource expenditure on more than 3 %. Practical importance: The use of “Traction — Forecast” programming complex would allow to improve traction calculation accuracy for both, current and newly designed rolling stock. The flexibility of forming traction and braking characteristics as well as available options for to set resistance forces to motion allows estimating made decisions’ efficiency in terms of power-efficiency on the stage of rolling stock design. Application of power-efficient modes of train driving, formed by the software complex, provides for the cut of power-resource expenditures for train traction.

Software package, traction calculations, optimal driving, traction force, resistance to motion, braking forces
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