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Abstract (English):
Purpose: Methods for calculating soil freezing depth of high-speed railway subgrade are developed given its multilayer structure. Methods: Existing methods for soil freezing depth calculation have been reviewed, advanced Berggren method for calculating soil freezing depth of HSR subgrade and numerically modeling method for subgrade temperature regime on the basis of mathematical model given moisture migration are proposed. The calculation reliability is confirmed by comparison with numerical simulation results and the results of the calculation by method based on Chinese and Russian railway construction standards. Results: The results of soil freezing depth calculations by different methods are similar. It is reasonable to use advanced Berggren method to calculate soil freezing depth for multilayer system. Numerical modeling method makes it possible to predict soil freezing depth including depth change of freezing and thawing caused by climate warming. Practical significance: To calculate soil freezing depth of HSR subgrade, it is advisable to use advanced Berggren method. The developed model can be used both to study the logic of subgrade thermal regime distribution at freezing and thawing and to project the thickness of protective layers against a frost for HSR subgrade construction.

Soil freezing depth, HSR subgrade, advanced Berggren method, numerical simulation, temperature regime
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