Russian Federation
Purpose: To investigate the roadbed in the construction of pile foundation united by flexible grillage made of geosynthetic material. To investigate how geosynthetic material will work in such a grillage. To create analytical model of pile foundation with flexible grillage. To determine the strength of such textile material used in the construction. To analyze the advantages and flaws of existing methods for calculating pile foundation structure united by flexible grillage made of geosynthetic material. Methods: Structure parameters of flexible grillage reinforced with geosynthetic material, were calculated using three methodologies: British standard BS 8006-2010, German EBGEO methods, flexible thread calculating method. Results: Arched effect arising in mound body has been studied. Deflections in geosynthetic material were calculated at different loading levels of the structure by soil. Experimental values of forces in geosynthetic material are obtained. "Critical height" is set - the distance from pile top which within, arched effect is formed. Numerical value of uniform emptying has been established which at, pile foundation different rigidity is not revealed on surface. The strength of geosynthetic material of flexible grillage of highway mound foundation is estimated. Existing calculation methods for compliance with experiment results are analyzed. Practical importance: Technical solutions have been developed for two types of flexible grillage structures, both, combined and flexible ones with the use of one or more layers of high-strength geotextile with sand in the form of geo-confining. The developed technical solutions meet all requirements of existing regulatory documents and obtained calculated indicators as well as the requirements for strength, reliability and structure durability. The proposed constructions can be recommended for practical use.
Weak soils, subgrade construction, pile foundation, flexible grillage, geosynthetic materials
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