Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Study of elastic properties of subballast mats at dynamic impact. Methods: To calculate the optimal parameters of these inserts, mathematical model was created using the Autodesk Robot software package. To estimate durable behavior of subballast mats in track structure, the research of “Elapor” and Sylomer (Getzner, Austria) mats’ elastic-dynamic properties was pursued, Material samples were selected from experimental section a year past after laying with the purpose to define exploitational conditions effect on investigated geosynthetic materials. Vibration parameter measurements were held with the help of acetometer kit and registering device MIC-026. Results: Vibration extinguishing mat “Elapor” shrinks practically right away and further its elasticity dynamic module changes slightly (that’s characteristic for synthetic rubbers) and Sylomer mat behaves more “flexible”. Practical significance: Pursued research allows to assess application efficiency for elastic materials of slipper base as a mean of struggle with negative phenomenon (noise, vibration), appearing at tram carriage motion.

Noise, tram, vibrations, natural environment, urban area, electric transport, carriage structure vibrations, rail vibration isolation
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