Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: The history of the development of axonometric projections is considered in this work. The contribution of Russian scientists to the theory of this method is established. The analysis of the current state of the regulatory framework has been carried out. The necessity of making changes to the current standard is justified. Archival and handwritten sources have been investigated. The article shows the way of the consistent emergence, development and improvement of the theory of axonometric projections. Examples of its use in different periods are shown. The contribution of Russian scientists to the improvement of the theory of the axonometry method and its application in construction and industry is established. The main advantages of axonometry are shown: visual clarity and the possibility to determine the parameters of a real object based on such images. The inaccuracies of the axonometry theory representation in modern regulatory documents are analyzed. The necessity to depict axonometric axes when creating images is indicated. Axonometric projections are considered as a method of geometric modeling in computer-aided design systems, which allows creating visual planar models of artificial structures and other objects. This also allows to create a unified information model of the object, to carry out joint work of various specialists at the design stages, to ensure the storage and editing of information throughout the entire life cycle of the object. Methods: To achieve results, various research methods have been applied: theoretical analysis of historical, scientific literature, normative and program-methodical documentation, study of the experience of graphic images of foreign and domestic specialists, generalization and systematization of scientific provisions on the research topic, analysis of the results of research work. Results: The necessity of making changes to the existing regulatory documents is justified. Practical significance: The correct display of axonometry in regulatory documents will improve its practical application and specialist training.

Axonometric projection, complex drawing, parallel projection, geometric modeling, axonometric axes, drawing reversibility, three-dimensional solid-state modeling, building information modeling
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