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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To assess the current ecological condition of the survey site located in the Republic of Karelia and intended for laying a non-public railway track. To analyze the component of the environment — the soil, for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. To establish the category of soil pollution in accordance with Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards and Regulations SanPiN 2.1.3684 and the rules for further use in accordance with SanPiN 2.1.3685. Methods: To assess the degree of soil contamination with heavy metals and organic ecotoxicants, samples have been taken from 14 test sites. Assessment of the degree of soil contamination with heavy metals and benz(a)pyrene has been carried out in accordance with SanPiN 1.2.3685. The assessment of the degree of contamination of soils with petroleum products has been carried out in accordance with a letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. The assessment of the danger of soil pollution has been carried out according to several indicators (Tables 4.3–4.5 of SanPiN 2.1.3685): –- a complex of metals for public health is made according to the indicator of total pollution (Zc); –- the presence/absence of excess over the established maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) and approximately permissible concentrations (APC). The pollution category is determined by the worst indicator. When establishing pollution categories worse than “permissible”, recommendations have been developed for the further use of contaminated soils (Appendix No. 9 to SanPiN 2.1.3684). Results: As a result of the tests conducted, it was determined that the soil samples collected from the survey area for the construction of a non-public railway section comply with the soil pollution category of “Permissible” and, according to the rules of further usage, fall under the classification of “Unrestricted Use”. Practical Significance: The investigated soils meet all the requirements of the regulatory documentation and can be used without restrictions for the construction of the non-public railway section.

Ecological assessment of the current state, ecotoxicants, heavy metals, petroleum products, benz(a) pyrene, engineering and environmental surveys
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