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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To study soil contamination specifics based on the results of engineering and environmental surveys conducted during the airport reconstruction. Detection of toxicants in soil samples during field research on the airport grounds based on the analysis of chemical, bacteriological, parasitological, and toxicological parameters of the samples. The assessment of soil quality compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules and norms ‘Hygienic Standards and Requirements for Ensuring the Safety and (or) Harmlessness of Environmental Factors for Human Habitation’ (SanPiN 1.2.3685—21). Methods: Determination of concentrations of pollutants has been carried out in layers at depths of 0.0–0.2 m; 0.2–1.0 m; 1,0–2,0; 2,0–3,0; 3,0–4,0; 4,0–5,0; 5,0–6,0; 6,0– 7.0; 7.0–8.0 m. The soil samples have been analyzed for the following parameters: heavy metal content (lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, nickel, mercury, arsenic); pH value; content of organic toxicants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (benzo[a]pyrene); petroleum products); toxicological indicators of the soil throughout the depth (composite sample) (0.0–2.0 meters) (2 test objects: Escherichia coli and Paramecium caudatum). Results: Discrepancies with hygiene requirements for the content of the following chemical substances in soil have been identified: zinc, copper, cadmium, lead, nickel, and petroleum products. The dangerous category of soil has been mostly observed in the surface layer of soil (0.0–0.2 m) and at a depth of 0.2–1.0 m, however, excess soil contamination has also been detected at depths of 2.0–3.0 m and 4.0–5.0 m, and excess soil contamination with nickel has been observed at all horizons up to a depth of 8.0 m. Based on microbiological and parasitological indicators, all samples are classified as “clean”. Practical significance: An analysis of soil contamination levels has been conducted on the territory of the airport in the Tyumen region. Concentrations of ecotoxicants in the soil have been examined, and possible reasons for exceeding the permissible levels of pollutants have been analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis of possible reasons for exceeding the permissible content of pollutants in the soil, the need for measures to protect the soil from further pollutants has been established.

Engineering and environmental surveys, heavy metals, ecotoxicants, concentration, maximum permissible concentration, natural environment
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