Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Conducting a comparative analysis of the existing sources of the formation of the interpretation and use of the term and terms similar in meaning and essence: “transport hub” and “transport interchange hub” and their assessment. Methods: The main tools for the analysis and management of the passenger complex in the implementation of permanent activities are: cause-and-effect relationships, algorithmization, mapping, data analysis, etc. Results: The characteristics of the definitions of the concept of types of SP (stop point), TH (transport hub), TIH (transport interchange hub ) and TIC (transport interchange complex) designated in open literary and scientific sources, including foreign ones, are considered, and the formulation of the term is derived for the first time: “transport boarding hub”. Practical significance: A new approach to the organization of passenger transportation, through the revision, updating of individual concepts (terms) and the introduction of new definitions, will allow the transport and logistics system to be raised to a new level, due to the transition from the organization of local TIHs to the consideration of the entire route (based on the principle of “door to door”) of the passenger based on the principle of “clean feet”.

Passenger, transport potential, passenger flow movement, the principle of “clean feet”, infrastructure, comfort
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