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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To clarify the indices of the efficiency of logistics of the Russian Federation in new supply chains formed under the influence of sanctions and other restrictions, in the conditions of new politics and new geoeconomics, which have formed the third crisis situation of the transport and logistics market. Methods: Methods of data analysis and diagnostics (observation, analysis, synthesis) of logistics efficiency indices are used as an interactive tool for comparative analysis of problems and opportunities of the main logistics parameters calculated by Turku School of Economics and supported by a current research of the World Bank. Results: The results of adjusting the logistics efficiency indices in the formed supply chains of the Russian Federation based on operational information from survey results and several types of data are shown; The adjustment of logistics efficiency indices in the formed supply chains by rail is given; the corrective data affecting the values of logistics efficiency indices in the Russian Federation are systematized depending on the conditions affecting the decrease in logistics efficiency indices in the Russian Federation and the possibility of their growth. Practical significance: The results obtained are of an applied nature, since they propose and justify a number of measures that ensure the development of new methodological approaches to the formation of effective business models.

Transport and logistics market, logistics efficiency index
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