Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To show the need to limit the currents consumed from the contact network and to justify the possibility of such a restriction using a lithium-ion traction battery as an additional source of electrical energy. To consider the possibility of limiting the impact on the contact network by reducing the current consumption on trolleybuses with increased autonomous travel when using a lithium-ion traction battery. Methods: The use of known analytical expressions, and the results of rides obtained during the operation of battery-assisted trolleybuses with increased autonomous travel on city lines and the results of test rides of a trolleybus with increased autonomous travel, in which the scheme of the power part of the traction drive uses a traction battery as an additional source of energy. Results: It is shown that the scheme of the power part of the traction drive proposed in the work allows limiting the current consumed from the contact network, it is additionally revealed that with such implementation, when braking the trolleybus, there is no increase in voltage in the contact network. Practical significance: It is shown that the proposed scheme of the power part of the traction drive makes it possible to limit the impact on the contact network by reducing the current consumed and, as a consequence, reducing voltage ripples in the contact network.

Current consumption limitation, electric rolling stock, urban electric transport, electric bus, traction electric drive, regenerative braking, energy storage, uneven energy consumption, traction battery, lithium-ion battery
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