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Abstract (English):
The basic measure that provides traffi c safety raise, working conditions improvement and operating costs of traffi c volume conversion reduction on marshalling yards is automation of forming and disbanding of trains on humps processes. The quality of automated detaching control system is determined be the following factors: fullness and accuracy of accounting of factors affecting the set of cars rolling process; technical means of control implementation; technological principles of control. Complex accounting of infl uence of declared factors on the parameters of hump operation allows to reduce capital expenditures for their construction and reconstruction as well as operating costs related with their functioning. Thereby, simulation of set of cars rolling from the hump under the infl uence of random factors is an actual problem for the railway transport.In this article the enhanced simulation model of set of cars rolling from the hump is described. The complexity of evaluation of technical and operational characteristics of existing systems and being developed ones is connected with the fact that humps are functioning under the conditions of uncertainty of input data. But mathematical models of set of cars rolling process and methods of solution of braking mode optimization problem are based on the assumption that resistance of air and wind, resistance of points and curves, resistance of retarding mechanisms for the movement of set of cars are known before the start of rolling. Thereby for accounting of random characteristics of sets of cars and condition of their rolling the basic simulation model of hump was enhanced.

braking mode, set of cars, hump, simulation model, random functions, random values
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