Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides the results of developing the methods of formal characterisation of reliability evolution for systems of automation and remote control during its operation from the moment of starting operation till discarding and recycling. These systems are long-living and during the period of its operation, that is about two-three decades and even more, the composite of the system is changing because of modernization and complete repairs, and the requirements to this system for the quality of separation of train traffic can change also. The methods of maintenance can also significantly change within this time, because of, for example, the enhancement of possibilities for automatic control of system components pre-failure. Systems of automation and remote control are big technical systems, and mathematical description of the processes of its reliability evolution runs into certain difficulties. Terms «break-in state», «new state», «ageing state», «pre-failure state», widely used in theory of reliability, are not quite suited for big technical systems. Using of body of mathematics of Markov processes is made difficult by the fact, for example, that during the analysis of system reliability when degradation processes appear, it is necessary to consider a long-ago prehistory, that can be provided only by «ageing laws». Mathematic model of the system of automation and remote control turns out not very convenient for its practical use because of the fact, that the resulting model is enough massive by the reason of big number of components in the system, and each of the can be in one of several states. As a result, the problem of enlarging the model states to the generalised state of the system, that belongs to the same subset. Enlarged system operation, within the new phase space in some way should describe the operation of original system. Suggested mathematical models allow, using the body of mathematics of Markov processes, to develop methods and strategies of maintenance management for the systems of automation and remote control, that provide the highest efficiency of its operation.

automation and remote control systems, system states, time evolution, reliability, operation, expenses, mathematical models, Markov processes, dynamic programing
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