Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper investigated the analysis of Russian and foreign authors’ results related to the automation of railway scheduling. It focused on the development of automated planning of subway train schedule; the development of business process models related to automated planning of train schedule; diagrams for the software development; program for the implementation of the automated planning train schedule. The results showed that the close cooperation between scheduling systems and train traffic control, the requirement of a unified approach for the train scheduling problems and rolling stock maintenance scheduling problems, and the applicability of artificial intelligence algorithms and advances of computer science for solving those problems. The article performed the decomposition process of data collecting and analyzing of rolling stock turnover and train schedule in three parts: preparation of input data for the automated scheduling; automated planning of rolling stock turnover and train schedule; analyzing the results of automated scheduling system and transmission these results to related services. The authors proposed to use a software architectural pattern called Model-View-Controller (MVC) while creating the software tools and showed that its advantages, such as the separation of business logic with visualization for users and developers of the system. Railway scheduling system can performed with different levels of automation devices. The composition of lower assets means the better tools. The use of design patterns and software modeling language UML (Unified Modeling Language) is effective to describe the interaction with different levels of automation. Nowadays the initiative work is leading to modernize the operation of the automated train scheduling system based on the principles outlined in this article.

automation, performance of procedures, building PGD, initialization, check the possibility of the action
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