Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides the review of a number of cutting-edge issues, that are being solved by the employees of the Moscow Subway Traffic Service in cooperation with the scientists of MGUPS (MIIT) at that moment. Solutions of these problems provide the basis for automation of quite a complex technological process, connected with planning of passenger trains traffic of subway. The article provides an exact definition of the planned schedule of subway passenger trains trafic in the form of a document, that combines the operation of all Subway Services and regulates the safe passenger transportation. For perception convenience of the readers, who are familiarize with these issues under consideration for the first time, the article provide a list of terms specific to the subway. The paper also reviews in detail the automated data exchange between the Subway Services and the Transport Department of Moscow about train traffic. It marks the spot of information exchange of interest within the developed, implemented and supported automated system. The article provides the list of other exchange protocols and information, that is transmitted to receiving sides, according to each of them. The developed technology of automated data exchange between the Metro Services and the Transport Department of Moscow allows to minimize participation and, in few cases, completely eliminate the originator from the data exchange process. The article presents a chronology of the development of automated calculation apparatus for performance indicators of quality, required for the assessment of formed timetable for metro train traffic. All known Moscow subway performance indicators formalized in the article on the basis of the descriptive model. There are other types of formalization of performance indicators, but in order to reduce the information load on the reader and due to its frequent use in many sources, including those indicated in the references for this article, they are not used. The article provides main provisions for solving the problems of automation of table printing for train timetable extracts under increased «track possessions».

electronic document management, projected train timetable, Moscow Metro, track possession, performance criteria, automated production
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