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Abstract (English):
The article describes the features of electronic document management of technical documentation of railway automation and remote control. It provide the review of tasks for mathematical description synthesis of electronic document management of technical documentation of railway automation and remote control. To this end a survey of real processes of creating, testing and using of technical documentation is made by the example of providing the custom specifi cations of automation and remote control systems, which allowed to reveal the document management scenarios, as well as the protocols of properties of technical documents. The technique of creating a model of electronic document management of technical documentation was developed on the basis of means of theory of graph. The article describes the methods of determination of the sets for the proposed model, as well as proposes the algebra of technical documentation management using graphs. The article also suggests to use a set of fl at rectangular matrices, each of them representing the state of the system in a discrete unit of time, to defi ne a matrix form of document management. Obtained adjacency matrices determine the graph model of document management of the process in question, and the combination of these matrices defi nes all possible scenarios of documents movement during the process, describes all possible states of the documents and determines the possible participants. Implementation of the proposed method of creating of a mathematical model based on theory of graphs allows to a develop reliable application software to meet the challenges of operational document management of technical documentation.

electronic document management of technical documentation, theory of graph, model of electronic document management of technical documentation, formal presentation of technical documentation, technological process for order specifications of automation and remote control, adjacency matrix of electronic document management of technical documentation
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