Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the process of building diagnostics systems of logical units, the issue of providing full self-checking ability is particularly sensitive. In the structures of functional control, built by means of Boolean component method, the issue in question is solved fairly easily, as one and the same code may have different realizations. Also in the process of choosing the method of output realization and sequence, as well as the method of clustering outputs, one can influence both the finite structure’s complexity and its detectivity. In the process of Boolean complement method application it is convenient to use different constant-weight codes, as, in order to provide complete self-checking ability of a tester, it is sufficient to provide the appearance of all constant-weight code combinations, when using such codes. There are studies dealing with the investigation of different variants of building «1-out-of-3» and «1-out-of-4» constant-weight codes. One of the variants of building a «1-out-of-5» constant-weight code, as well as the influence of output sequence alteration on the finite structure’s com- plexity and its detectivity, was analyzed in the given article. The introduced vari- ant of a «1-out-of-5» constant-weight code was developed in such a way as to provide full self-checking ability of both the tester and «modulo two addition» elements in the structures built by this code. The experiments were conducted on a number of benchmarks, having five outputs. Structures’ characteristics with all possible output sequences were analyzed in the experiment. It was shown that the sequence of outputs markedly affects both the finite structure’s complexity and its self-checking ability.

diagnostics system, Boolean complement, constant-weight codes, «1-out-of-5» code, on-line diagnosis, diagnostics system’s area
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