Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with investigations are concerning the properties, peculiari- ties and perspectives of complex systems implementation for train dispatching, interval separation and trains’ auto driving. A special attention is paid to problems concerning the algorithm and mathematical descriptions for decision making and fulfilling processes, that man-operator has to do and the importance of prognosis for trains time arriving to the coordinates on its route. It’s demonstrated to create the algorithm description for technological process the decision making specialist must be able to fulfill all the functions of the man-operator controlling the process to be automated. The satisfactory trains’ arrival time prognosis is available by means of calculations and trains movement’s simulation. It’s determined the complex of cen- tralized traffic control and trains auto driving within the limits of every dispatcher’s control zone is able to calculate and transmit to the locomotives for execution the coordinate speeds adequate to the changing movement conditions for every train.

centralized traffic control, trains auto driving, algorithm and mathematical descrip- tions for decision making and fulfilling processes, intellectual trains traffic control system

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