Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The object of study is discrete devices with memory, which describes the operation of such devices by using the mathematical model of fuzzy automaton. The fuzzy automaton model is proposed, which takes into account the specifics of the problem under consideration. In this model, the phenomenon of fuzzyness is manifested in the transitions between the states of the fuzzy automaton. As in the case of a classical automaton, the problem is reduced to the counterhonking coding of fuzzy automaton states. The paper proposes a principle of construction of methods of such coding for fuzzy automaton. Its idea consists in transformation of a given fuzzy automaton in the form of a fuzzy graph into some special classical graph. A description of the procedure of such transformation is given. It is proved that all possible races on the fuzzy graph given fuzzy automaton, are a subset of the races occurring on the classical graph transformed by the mentioned procedure. Since an extensive arsenal of methods has been developed for finding signal races in classical automata, it can be applied to fuzzy automaton.

reliability of electronic devices, signal races, models of fuzzy device, fuzzy automata and graphs, transformations of fuzzy graphs into classical ones, methods of counterhonking coding for fuzzy automaton
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