Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: to substantiate the effectiveness of using heat-storing materials to preserve the thermal energy of the oil and coolant of the diesel power plant of a shunting diesel locomotive. To achieve this goal it is necessary: to identify the relevance of the problem of preserving the thermal energy of oil and coolant during the operation of diesel locomotives in conditions of negative ambient temperatures; develop a concept for the use of heat-storing phase transition materials in the oil and water systems of a diesel locomotive; carry out the selection of heat-storing materials based on their physical properties and the operating characteristics of diesel locomotive engine systems; conduct laboratory experimental studies to assess the effectiveness of using a particular heat-storing material. Methods: physical experiment performed in laboratory conditions, which consists of recording the temperature of the working medium (oil and water) and the temperature of the heat-storing material used depending on the cold idle time. Experimental studies make it possible to more accurately select the most preferred materials for accumulating heat from oil and water in diesel locomotive engine systems. Results: an experimental dependence of the temperature of various heat-accumulating materials on the cold idle time was constructed, which makes it possible to justify the use of stearin to accumulate heat from engine oil and cooling system water. Practical importance: the research was carried out as part of the implementation of a grant from Russian Railways JSC for young scientists to conduct scientific research aimed at creating new equipment and technologies for use in railway transport and recommended for use in the locomotive complex. Grant agreement No. 5103675 dated December 26, 2022 “Thermal accumulator for the pre-start preparation system for diesel locomotives in the cold season”.

thermal storage material of phase change, heat storage, warming up, diesel engine, oil system, cooling system, cold idle
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