Mozhaisky Military Aerospace Academy (Department of Mathematics and Software, Professor)
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The key aspects of using the advanced features of the Git version control system in software development are considered: branching models, Git configuration settings and error correction methods useful for developers at all levels. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the capabilities of Git to increase the efficiency and flexibility of software development. The issues of integrating advanced Git functions into the software development process, which are of interest to IT professionals, are considered. Practical significance: due to the fact that useful configuration parameters are considered that help maximize the performance and usability of Git. Examples of commands and settings of the Git system are given, which increase the accessibility and effectiveness of its application in practice. Discussion: through the analysis of technical and practical aspects, the advantages of advanced Git functions and their contribution to improving development processes are shown. It is shown that the use of advanced Git functions makes it possible to optimize development processes, increase the efficiency of team interactions and ensure high code quality
Git, software development, version control, Git configuration, Git Flow, Trunk-Based Development
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