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Abstract (English):
Purpose: to provide the results of the conducted research to identify factors influencing the energy consumption of the process of adsorption drying of compressed air when using the most common modifications of alumogel as an adsorbent during its drying for subsequent use in pneumatic systems of railway rolling stock. Methodology: to determine the energy consumption of the compressed air drying process when preparing it for use in pneumatic systems of rolling stock, a method for calculating the increase in energy consumption on the shaft of the compressor electric motor has been tested, allowing to assess the effect on it of such values as relative humidity of atmospheric air, the rate of passage of the adsorbent by compressed air, the height of the adsorbent layer in the adsorber, pressure loss during the passage of the adsorbent, its porosity, bulk and apparent density, and also to establish the degree of their influence on the energy consumption of the adsorption process for possible adjustment of the calculation method itself. Methods: methods of comparison and analysis of the results obtained, as well as their visualization, were used, which formed the basis for the formation of conclusions and recommendation on the use of the types of aluminum gel under consideration. It has been established which calculation formulas of the methodology allow us to establish a trend in determining the energy consumption of the compressed air drying process when using its various types. Practical significance: the necessity of determining the energy consumption of the compressed air drying process when using various types of alumogel to select the most energy-efficient option at the design stage of adsorption drying is substantiated. The results obtained using analytical expressions of the methodology can be recommended for practical application at the design stage of compressed air drying systems design.

compressed air, adsorption, energy efficiency, energy consumption, porosity, pressure losses, adsorbent, aluminogels
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