Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To analyze the possible use of combined structures for bridge superstructures, to expand the range of steel-reinforced concrete structures, to explore innovative structural solutions for beams with low material consumption and increased reliability and durability. Methods: Analysis of the advantages of known combined structures, of materials used for their design, calculation of design options of bridge superstructures with the use of existing engineering techniques and involving calculation programs. Results: Traditional design solutions of bridge superstructures do not always have sufficient reliability and durability. A number of effective beam structures have been developed at the Department of “Building Structures, Buildings and Constructions” of the PGUPS, which can be used in bridge structures. New developments of beams with the use of steel-reinforced concrete and steel-fiber concrete are presented. A combined design of the bridge superstructure with the use of steel-reinforced concrete and steel-fiber concrete, protected by patents for inventions, is proposed. Static and constructive calculation of superstructure variants has been performed with the use of the SCAD computing complex, the stress-strain state of the structure has been analyzed, the reduction of material consumption, labor intensity and other advantages of the combined superstructure design in comparison with traditional solutions of superstructure costructions made of steel and reinforced concrete have been considered. Practical significance: The advantages of combined constructions for bridge structures have been identified, a decrease in the material intensity and labor intensity of the proposed design solutions has been established with an increase in the bending stiffness of the superstructure, its reliability and durability. The proposed structural solutions of beams can be used for bridges of large spans in conditions of heavy dynamic loads.

Bridges, superstructure, steel-reinforced concrete structure, combined beams, steel-fiber concrete, pipe concrete, material intensity, reliability, durability
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