Russian Federation
Mozhaisky Military Aerospace Academy (Department of Mathematics and Software, Professor)
Russian Federation
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) occupy a special place in our world. Their ability to navigate along set routes opens up prospects in various fields. The purpose of the study is to review and analyze navigation systems and UAV routing algorithms, methods that allow UAVs to follow the route with high accuracy. GPS and inertial navigation (INS) systems that provide accurate location determination are being investigated. The capabilities of sensor systems — cameras, lidars and ultrasonic sensors — are analyzed to detect obstacles and adjust the trajectory; voxel maps for three-dimensional modeling of the environment and methods of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM); algorithm A* (A-star); genetic routing algorithm, potential-based obstacle avoidance algorithms and RRT. Practical significance: the use of these methods and technologies can significantly improve the safety and accuracy of UAV routing, the ability to navigate autonomously in complex and dynamically changing landscapes. In conclusion, the advantages and limitations of navigation approaches and technologies are discussed; the importance of integrating sensor systems and SLAM methods to increase the autonomy and efficiency of UAVs; directions for further research.
UAV routing, GPS, INS, SLAM, ADS-B, voxel maps, sensor systems, genetic algorithm, RRT algorithm
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